The garden is open all year round, entrance is free and it is a popular site to visit in whatever season.
The sculpture garden behind the Einar Jónsson Art Museum was formally opened on the 8th of June 1984. Einar and his wife Anna put a lot of work into the garden themselves while they lived in the museum building. Even though the garden has changed through the years you can still find trees and stonework that Einar Jonsson put down himself. One thing to note is the peculiar ring of stones situated between the office and museum buildings.
There are 26 bronze casts of Einar Jónssons work in the garden. The Wave of Ages and Prayer had already been erected prior to work commencing on the current state of the garden. Some of the pieces were cast in Einars time and stood inside the museum but were later moved out to the garden alongside the new bronze casts.Einar Jónsson started a fund to finance the casting of his work into bronze. With that fund he laid the foundation for the sculpture garden. One of the museums goals has been to cast as many works of Einar into bronze as possible. The bronze is the final stage for each piece because the clay and plaster are volitile materials.